Publication of May 31, 2024 by our member Alcides: Event in Portugal

Publication of May 31, 2024 by our member Alcides: Event in Portugal

On 2024/03/18

Dialogue Lecture in the Municipality of Gaia - District of Porto.

I invite all Gaienses, especially residents of Canelas, to be present on May 31, 2024, at 9:20 pm, in the Nobre hall of the Canelas Parish Council (Rua Delfim de Lima, 1914).

Topics covered:

- Civil Diplomacy (Alcides Couto Diplomat)
- ⁠Domestic violence and narcissism (Dra Silvia Pinto)
- ⁠Animal rights (Dra Sara Loureiro)

Free Participation is Free.
Open to all political orientations and religious beliefs.


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