Uniting Forces for a Sustainable Energy Future in EU and Türkiye

Uniting Forces for a Sustainable Energy Future in EU and Türkiye

On 2024/01/03

Belgium (Brussels Morning newspaper) The European Parliament witnessed a momentous event on the 25th of October, organized by the Turkish Wind Energy Association. The summit, titled “Supply Chain Challenges and Solution on Wind Energy and Alternatives for the EU,” served as a platform to address critical issues in the wind energy sector, fostering collaboration, understanding, and joint ventures between the European Union and Türkiye.

The event, moderated by Giles Dickson, CEO of WindEurope, commenced with a comprehensive overview of the EU’s wind power package presented by Commissioner Kadri Simon.

In a resounding testament to the European Union’s commitment to renewable energy, Commissioner Kadri Simon unveiled a strategy during the summit. The numbers spoke for themselves: a staggering 16 GW of wind power installations were added in 2022, reflecting a remarkable 47% increase from the previous year. With these accomplishments as a backdrop, Commissioner Simon outlined a comprehensive plan to further bolster the EU’s wind industry.

Central to this vision was the imperative to accelerate deployment through enhanced predictability and expedited permitting processes. To achieve this, the EU is launching the “Accele-RES” initiative, collaborating closely with Member States. This program signifies a strategic shift, emphasizing digitalization in permitting procedures and extending crucial technical assistance to Member States.

Recognizing the integral role played by Turkish companies, Commissioner Simon underscored their significance as major partners in this transformative journey. In an optimistic glance toward the future, Commissioner Simon expressed the EU’s eagerness to collaborate with international partners.

Ryszard Czarnecki, the member of the European Parliament following Simon’s insightful speech, highlighted the pivotal role of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Turkish Wind Energy Association. He stressed the importance of solidarity among EU states, especially in the face of challenges such as energy security concerns and geopolitical tensions with Russia. He also stressed that the EU energy transition is a truth that will be of benefit of Poland and Türkiye citizens.

In a compelling address, Fatih Birol, Executive Director at International Energy Agency (IEA), an influential figure in the energy sector, emphasized the intricate tapestry of challenges and opportunities facing Europe’s energy landscape. He outlined three pivotal dimensions: industrial security, climate targets, and energy security, painting a comprehensive picture of the intricate balance that must be struck in the pursuit of sustainable energy.

Highlighting the indispensable role of grids, Birol underscored their significance as the lifeblood of renewable energy, asserting that the functionality of wind and solar power hinges upon robust grid systems. Consequently, he stressed the urgency of prioritizing grid infrastructure to bolster the wind energy sector effectively.

Birol candidly addressed historical missteps, notably Europe’s overreliance on external countries, resulting in current predicaments. He emphasized the need for a collective shift in mindset, advocating for a Europe that envisions itself as an industry, capable of revitalizing and diversifying its energy sector. Diversification, he argued, is not merely a choice but a necessity—a strategic move to mitigate risks and secure a sustainable energy future.

The urgent need for an industrial roadmap for a new era of clean energy was a focal point in Birol’s discourse. Europe, he lamented, grapples with a high energy crisis due to its dependence on inexpensive gas from outside—a vulnerability that must be addressed promptly. Drawing lessons from past mistakes, especially in the solar sector, Birol urged a departure from old policies. He acknowledged that solar energy, once a novelty, is now ubiquitous, and it’s imperative not to repeat similar delays in the wind energy domain.

Calling for a policy renaissance, Birol stressed the need for expeditious deployment of wind power and the development of synergies to bolster investments. His vision resonates as a call to action, urging Europe to craft a new narrative—an energy story defined by innovation, diversification, and a steadfast commitment to sustainable practices. In embracing these principles, Europe can usher in a new industrial age of clean energy, resilient against crises and firmly rooted in a greener, more sustainable future.

Ibrahim Erden, Chairman of Turkish Wind Energy Association, emphasized the collective mission toward sustainability. Addressing the prevalent challenges such as supply chain disruptions and rising prices, he advocated for a united effort between the EU and Turkey, presenting a triple win scenario that could be achieved through collaborative efforts.

He said that, The Turkish Wind Energy Association stands as a formidable entity, representing a substantial 11% of Turkey’s energy generation. In a poignant moment at the summit, a critical question was posed: How will the energy crisis and inflation persist? The inquiry resonated deeply, highlighting the pressing concerns that permeate the energy sector.

Emphasizing the gravity of the situation, the speaker spotlighted the supply chain challenges, intricately linked with logistics scarcities in essential materials, equipment, and suppliers.

The event also witnessed the active participation of Ambassadors from various countries, members of the European Parliament, officials from the European Union institutions, representatives from leading research centers, and media organizations.

The discussions at the summit underscored the critical need for international collaboration and strategic planning to overcome the supply chain challenges facing the wind energy sector. As the EU and Türkiye join forces in this endeavor, the event served as a beacon of hope, signaling a promising future for sustainable energy production and a resilient supply chain network in the face of evolving global challenges.


Declerck (2024/01/17)

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